Upload Google Slides on Window Video Maker

  1. Gratuitous Templates for Your Google Slides Presentation
  2. How to Turn Google Slides into Video
  3. How to Exercise Voiceover on Google Slides
  4. How to Play a Video on Google Slides
  5. How to Upload Google Slides to YouTube
  6. Custom Templates for Your Google Slides Presentation: A Short Overview
  7. Concluding Word

When it comes to building a presentation, many of the states are going to use PowerPoint or Keynote software that have been pop all over the world for quite some time. And this is not surprising — these two applications combine all the capabilities of the visual platform and spacious area for text which allows communicating the business idea in the clearest way. This is why they are both first on the list of unremarkably used business concern tools intended to make your life easier.

Turn Google Slides into video.

In the meantime, competitors are set to offer better and cheaper ways to communicate business concern ideas to the audience. This is where Google Slides enters the game. Information technology belongs to a group of new presentation software which is rapidly gaining popularity. And even though it operates similarly to PowerPoint, Google Slides even so has the features that arrive stand out among the competition.

Not only is information technology a powerful tool itself, simply it too allows for collaboration and seamless sharing. Multiple users can work on the presentation simultaneously, no matter if they are in the same room or in different parts of the world. Overall, this is a peachy option for business owners who want to manage their teams more than effectively and get the work done faster.

Complimentary Presentations Templates

If that sounds appealing to y'all, it'south high time to effort some free Google Slides templates for your next presentation. To make the process of building pitches fifty-fifty more convenient, consider this comprehensive guide and notice out how to become more out of Google Slides.

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How to Turn Google Slides into Video

Turning Google Slides into video brings you a lot of benefits. Non only can y'all share the slideshow with the audition later the actual meeting, just yous also have an opportunity to share a Google video presentation along with the other social media resource, such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. By doing so, you can reach a wider audience and become boosted sources for advertizing your business.

In this specific guide, we will testify you how to save a Google Slides presentation equally a video file. Unlike PowerPoint software, Google Slides offers no options to save the pitch as a video. So, the developers have decided to fill the gap and created sure add-ons that would make the consign process a piece of cake. You choose what extensions to employ. There are many of them comprising Screencast-O-Matic, Creator Studio, Screencastify, and others.

In this tutorial, we will utilise a free extension for Google Chrome — Screencastify. So, let's get started.

i. Install Screencastify

Navigate to Chrome Web Store to install the mentioned add-on from there.

install screencastify01

Once done with the installation, you volition run into a distinctive icon in the upper correct corner of the browser. Click on the icon or printing Alt+Shift+S.

install screencastify02

Apart from that, you will have to allow photographic camera access in Chrome and choose if you desire to get the recording stored in Google Bulldoze or locally on a specific device.

install screencastify03

2. Go on with recording Google Slides pitch

Open up your Google Slides pitch in the Chrome browser and present it by clicking the corresponding push button. Later that, hover on the Screencastify icon and press it to have the popup appear.

recording Google Slides pitch

In the driblet-downward menu, you will notice three options: Tab, Desktop, and Cam which volition let you choose to record the chosen tab in Chrome, the whole desktop, or the webcam correspondingly. If you desire to save audio to the recording, leave all settings as they are. In cases where the audio is unnecessary, merely reset the Microphone and Audio tab.

Press the "Start Recording" push every bit soon as you are ready to start. During the recording, make sure to present the slides.

3. Save the recording

When you are finished, navigate to the extension and choose to stop recording. Upon saving, yous will run into the terminate file where you can insert the title and check on the recording data.

save the recording
At this stage, you have an opportunity to save your Google video presentation to Google Drive and share it direct through the link online or past embedding it on whatever social media services like YouTube, Vimeo, and others.

How to Practise Voiceover on Google Slides

Audio has a manner of spicing up any presentation. Although, if you've merely moved on from PowerPoint or Keynote software to Google Slides, there is ane thing you should know about it — it doesn't support audio. But even so, you still take an opportunity to add together video files inside separate slides. Long story brusque, all you take to do is embed the video to the slide, hide it, and enable the autoplay mode. Allow'due south consider the process in detail.

i. Go the audio file prepared

Commencement with converting audio files to video. For that, you can leverage dissimilar tools for conversion, such as FFmpeg or Audacity. When y'all are done with the conversion, upload the video to Google Drive.

2. Embed Google Slides voice over

Proceed with opening a Google Slides presentation. Find the "Insert" choice on the panel and choose Video from the drop-down menu. Select the file from Google Drive storage or insert the link from whatever YouTube video by switching over to the "By URL" tab.

Embed Google Slides voice over

3. Enable Autoplay way

Upon embedding video files to i of the slides, right-click it and select Video options.

enable autoplay mode
Discover the "auto-play when presenting" pick in the settings and play around with the first and end time of the video if you've decided to use timed voice over.

4. Brand the video player invisible

To brand the audio play in the groundwork, consider hiding the video file from the slide. Either resize the video play to make it too small to exist noticed or take it out of the slide completely, and then information technology won't be visible during the slideshow (see below).

How to Play a Video on Google Slides

Adding videos to your Google Slides presentation tin bring it to life and go along the audience engaged during the entire slideshow. Including YouTube (or non-YouTube) videos in your pitch doesn't take much time and effort. Hither's a quick solution for adding whatsoever kind of video to Google Slides.

Non-YouTube videos:

  • Earlier embedding video to your Google Slides presentation, make sure yous accept it available in your Google Drive storage. If you lot've non uploaded it however, get to Google Drive, click on the "New" button, and upload the file.
  • Open your presentation, choose the "Insert" option on the console, and press the "Video" button.
  • Cull the Google Drive tab on the top of the new window and detect the video yous want to add. Double-click on the file to make it appear on the slide.

YouTube videos:

  • Open up Google Slides and go to the slide you desire to insert the YouTube video to.
  • Choose "Video" from the "Insert" choice.
  • Detect the required video through search or by URL if you know what video you lot want to play in the presentation. Printing "Select" to add together it to the chosen slide.

You tin leave it as is, just be enlightened that you will have to manually play the video during the whole pitch. If this is not an issue for you, jump to the next paragraph. Only if you want to exist the best presenter, we have a few short tips for y'all. Consider them to make playing videos a smooth and like shooting fish in a barrel procedure.

i. Set the beginning and cease time

When y'all are finished with embedding the video to Google Slides, right-click on information technology and go down to Video options. In the pop-up window, set the kickoff and end time for a specific part of the video.

set start end time

2. Enable Autoplay

Hither in the popup window, y'all tin can too choose the "Autoplay when presenting" option if y'all don't want to play the video manually. With the autoplay feature, the video will start with the slide displayed. It makes the presentation seamless and lets you totally focus on your physical presentation and commentary on it.

Enable Autoplay

3. Mute audio

If y'all are non attracted to the thought of shouting over the sound on the video, this option will exist of service. Just tick Mute audio checkbox, aforementioned as for "Autoplay when presenting."

Mute audio

In addition to the advanced settings for video play, retrieve that using short videos will significantly ameliorate the presentation and arrive like shooting fish in a barrel to grasp.

How to Upload Google Slides to YouTube

Now that you know how to catechumen Google Slides into video, uploading it to YouTube will be an like shooting fish in a barrel step. And then, let's quickly go over the key points and motion to the step-past-step guide that will evidence you lot how to add your video to YouTube.

  • Create a presentation.
  • Add speaker notes to each slide to let the viewers get a full picture of the pitch.
  • Employ i of the add-ons between Screencast-O-Matic, Creator Studio, Screencastify, or others y'all like to turn your Google Slides presentation into a video.
  • Download the video to your computer.

Before uploading your video to YouTube, double-bank check on the formats supported by the video-sharing website. One time done, have a look at the quick guide.

  1. Register on YouTube or log in if y'all already have an account.
  2. Observe the upload button on the upper right corner and click to upload the video.
  3. Select a file to upload or drag it into the window.
    youtube select file
  4. Choose the privacy option–either public, unlisted, private, or schedule depending on who is authorized to see the Google video presentation.
    privacy option
  5. Add information to the video including an SEO-friendly title and clarification, tags to allow users find your video, and thumbnails.
  6. When yous are washed with all the necessary settings, it's fourth dimension to relieve your changes and publish the video.

Now that yous've successfully uploaded your Google video presentation to YouTube, you can share it with your colleagues, business partners, investors, and many others by copying the link and sending it to them.

share google video presentation

Custom Templates for Your Google Slides Presentation: A Short Overview

This is a bonus paragraph for those of yous who have become bored with the default template and are looking for a custom design to use on your next presentation. Created past professional, high-skilled developers, these Google Slides templates offer a solid collection of tools and elements to save yous all the hassle of building a pitch from scratch.

So, let'southward take a look at the side by side five recently added templates that will breathe life into your presentation.

Doora Google Slides

This minimalist Google Slides template is a swell solution for artistic and unique presentations. Because it has a flexible design, the template will adjust most business, corporate, or even personal needs. Inside the parcel, you will find a variety of tools and elements needed for building a converting pitch. Some of them include:

  • 30 unique slides
  • v color schemes
  • Master Slide and motion picture placeholder on board
  • Infographic set
  • Portfolio slides and device mockups, etc.


Contrax Google Slides

Contrax is another minimalist template specifically created for your all-time, engaging presentations made in Google Slides. It is well-structured and excludes any distracting elements which encourage focusing on the nearly important information in the pitch. In the meantime, the tools included in the template volition be enough to build an eye-catching and fully informative slide show. Consider these below:

  • Picture placeholder on board
  • 30 modern, unique slides
  • v color schemes
  • Images gallery and device mockup slides
  • Infographics


Business organisation Rapture Google Slides

Consider this artistic template with a professional design if you are looking for a prepare-made solution for your concern presentation. This is a great option for annual reports, business plan presentations, student projects, and even personal needs. Anybody who wants to communicate their ideas to the audience creatively will find this template a existent "treasure." It comes with a whole set of elements, some of which include:

  • l unique slides
  • Slide transitions
  • Photoshop is not needed for customization
  • Full HD
  • Infographics


Smart Written report Google Slides

For those of you who want to impress the audience with a brilliant and interactive presentation, the Smart Written report template will come in handy. Creative and professional person-looking slides, as well as numerous tools and elements needed for building a high-class pitch are all at your disposal. As well, the template is fully editable, so Photoshop is not needed to customize the slides. Using the following elements, you can do it at the button of a push.

  • 30 unique slides with a professional design
  • Loftier resolution
  • Total and friendly support
  • Infographics
  • Report slides and more than


Business Plaza Google Slides

Whether y'all programme to present a business plan to your colleagues, business partners, or investors or you lot have a pupil projection at the university, this Google Slides template will be a bang-up solution in most cases. Equipped with a vast number of elements and tools, this template will save yous the hassle of building a presentation from scratch. Consider what yous'll get with Concern Plaza farther:

  • 100 unique, loftier-resolution slides
  • Friendly support
  • Infographics
  • Nigh Us slides
  • No need to use Photoshop for editing


Final Word

At present that yous know how to add a video to your Google Slides presentation, prepare avant-garde play settings, convert the pitch into video, and then add it to YouTube, yous tin spice it up, boost the audience'due south interest, and share the presentation with the whole earth. We hope that this guide has inspired yous to start using Google Slides for your business concern and personal needs and create an engaging and converting pitch at your primeval convenience. To allow other people become inspired as well, don't forget to share this paper with your friends and colleagues.

Read Too

  • Google Slides: The Ultimate Guide
  • How to Use Google Slides to Create a Stunning Business Presentation
  • Google Slide Tutorial: How to Craft a Splendid Presentation
  • Google Slides Tutorial — From an Accented Beginner to an Expert

An Ultimate Guide on How to Turn Google Slides into Video FAQ

ane. How to Turn Google Slides into Video?

Turning Google Slides into video brings you a lot of benefits. Not only can you share the slideshow with the audience afterwards the actual meeting, but y'all also have an opportunity to share a Google video presentation along with the other social media resources, such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. By doing so, you can reach a wider audience and go additional sources for advertising your business.

And then, allow'due south become started:

- install Screencastify;
- proceed with recording Google Slides pitch;
- relieve the recording.

Manner details you'll notice in the article!

2. How to Do Voiceover on Google Slides?

Sound has a style of spicing up whatever presentation. Although, if y'all've but moved on from PowerPoint or Keynote software to Google Slides, in that location is one thing yous should know about it — it doesn't support audio. Only even and so, you lot still have an opportunity to add video files inside separate slides. Long story short, all y'all take to practise is embed the video to the slide, hide it, and enable the autoplay mode.

Let's consider the procedure:

- get the audio file prepared;
- embed Google Slides voice over;
- enable Autoplay mode;
- brand the video player invisible.

3. How to Play a Video on Google Slides?

If you desire to be the best presenter, nosotros have a few short tips for you lot. Consider them to make playing videos a shine and like shooting fish in a barrel procedure:

- set the start and end time;
- enable Autoplay;
- mute sound.

4. How to Upload Google Slides to YouTube?

Now that y'all know how to catechumen Google Slides into video, uploading it to YouTube will exist an easy step. So, let'south apace go over the key points and motion to the pace-past-step guide that will show y'all how to add your video to YouTube.

- Create a presentation.
- Add speaker notes to each slide to permit the viewers go a total picture of the pitch.
- Employ one of the add-ons between Screencast-O-Matic, Creator Studio, Screencastify, or others you like to turn your Google Slides presentation into a video.
- Download the video to your computer.

Earlier uploading your video to YouTube, double-check on the formats supported by the video-sharing website. In one case washed, have a look at the quick guide.

- Register on YouTube or log in if you lot already have an account.
- Find the upload push on the upper right corner and click to upload the video.
- Select a file to upload or drag it into the window.
- Choose the privacy option–either public, unlisted, private, or schedule depending on who is authorized to run into the Google video presentation.
- Add together information to the video including an SEO-friendly title and clarification, tags to permit users detect your video, and thumbnails.
- When yous are washed with all the necessary settings, it'due south time to save your changes and publish the video.

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Source: https://monsterspost.com/turn-google-slides-into-video/

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